Monday 2 July 2012

Table 3: Observation of Substance A, B, C, D and E on wet cotton wool

Table 3: Observation of Substance A, B, C, D and E on wet cotton wool

Changes observed after 10min
Changes observed after 24h
Changes observed after 36h
Inference/ Evidence of life
Substance remained grainy and brown.

Substance remained grainy and brown.
Substance still remained grainy and brownish.

No evidence of life.
Substance appears as creamy coloured liquid.
Substance appears as creamy coloured liquid.
Substance remains as creamy coloured liquid.
No evidence of life.
Substance expanded in size.

Substance appears even larger.
The size of the substance is the biggest among the three timings.
Living things grow.
Substance sprouted some yellow things.

More of the substance sprouted yellow things.
The yellow things turned green.

  Living things grow.
Substance remained brown and powdery.
White things appeared in between the substance.
More white things appeared.
Living things respond to changes.

Substances A, B and C after 10min (clockwise from left)

Substance D after 10min

Substance E after 10min

Substances D and E after 10min (anti clockwise)

Substances A, B and C after 24hrs (clockwise from bottom)
Substance D after 24hrs
Substance E after 24 hours

Substance A, B and C after 36 hours (clockwise from bottom)

Substance B after 36 hours

Substance A after 36 hours
Substance C after 36 hours

Substance D after 36 hours
Substance E after 36 hours

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