Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Lab Practical 7

Lab Practical 7 was really confusing... I could not understand the experiment.
But I could see pretty colors :D

Agars in Petri Dishes A,B and C
White vinegar, 100 Plus and Baking Powder Solution
 poured in the petri dishes.
(White vinegar- Pink, 100Plus- Light Pink, Baking Powder solution-Green)

100 Plus added on the agar and it turned light pink:o

Nicely-cut agar. The agar was originally like this!

Baking powder solution added on the agar.
The agar turned green!

White vinegar added on the agar.
The agar turned pink!

Paper towels soaked in cabbage juice.
Actually, it was light purple at first, but
after some time it turned bluish-green.

The solutions including the cabbage juice hiding behind the White vinegar

The paper towels changed their color to pink, light pink and green
(White vinegar- Pink, 100Plus- Light Pink, Baking Powder solution-Green)

Solutions: white vinegar, 100 Plus and Baking Powder solution respectively from left to right.
The thin layers of pink, light pink and green when two drops of cabbage juice was added!